Hello Suryavanshi Arekatika Friends, Its our deepest pleasure to inform you all that our Suryavanshi Aare Katik Blogsite has got an importance i।e Page Rank of 2 on 10 according to famous Search Engine Google.
Page Rank is One of Google's methods to measure the importance of a web page according to its popularity and links to other websites।
We have attained this stage within a short span of time with the help from you all, As you visit our Suryavanshi Blogsite regularly it will show the Search engine that there is huge search for this blogsite and the realated keywords।
Each of you who visit our Suryavanshi Are Katik Blogsite can give us your suggestions and recommendations in the comments section which is available in the bottom of each posts।
We are getting some calls on mobile regarding the new features which needs to be added in the blogsite, its my pleasure to serve all the requests from all of u friends, we are working on them and implement them soon on our Suryavanshi Blogsite।
Finally I would like to convey that all your support and particularly suggestions and recommendations help us to march forward for developing the Suryavanshi Arekatik Samaj Community all over the world।
Warm Regards
Your Suggestions Appreciated
Page Rank is One of Google's methods to measure the importance of a web page according to its popularity and links to other websites।
We have attained this stage within a short span of time with the help from you all, As you visit our Suryavanshi Blogsite regularly it will show the Search engine that there is huge search for this blogsite and the realated keywords।
Each of you who visit our Suryavanshi Are Katik Blogsite can give us your suggestions and recommendations in the comments section which is available in the bottom of each posts।
We are getting some calls on mobile regarding the new features which needs to be added in the blogsite, its my pleasure to serve all the requests from all of u friends, we are working on them and implement them soon on our Suryavanshi Blogsite।
Finally I would like to convey that all your support and particularly suggestions and recommendations help us to march forward for developing the Suryavanshi Arekatik Samaj Community all over the world।
Warm Regards
Your Suggestions Appreciated