Suryavanshi Are-Katik...As we know that it’s an era of internet, we take this opportunity to thank one and all who has supported us in promoting our Suryavanshi Arekatik Blogsite. The only thing we are expecting from my suryavanshi samaj members is to contribute your thoughts and give us your valuable opinions to promote our suryavanshi arekatik blogsite. We are getting some suggestions from our caste members and we are strictly working on those terms and conditions to provide all our suryavanshi samaj members an accurate message through this Blogsites. If any of our beloved samaj members find any kind of discrepancies in any corner of the site, please bring those kinds of issues to our notice we will rectify the issue ASAP. The only motto to create this blogsite is to give our suryavanshi samaj a global view. If you find any issues in we deeply regrette the inconvenience.
Warm Regards
Warm Regards